DCR Day and Week of Clinical Research

DCR Day and Week of Clinical Research

Tuesday, 2024/11/26 - Thursday, 2024/11/28

We are excited to present the program for the DCR Day of Clinical Research 2024, featuring keynote lectures by Professors Asma Khalil and Vincenzo Mazzaferro, presentations by top Bern researchers, a panel discussion, and a poster exhibition. Highlights include research with significant clinical impact and a Pecha Kucha session for junior researchers, with top submissions presented on the Day of Clinical Research and additional presentations on November 26, 2024. Posters will be exhibited for abstracts not selected for oral presentation.

Event organizer: Department of Clinical Reserach
Speaker: Professor Asma Khalil, Professor Vicenzo Mazzaferro and others
Date: 2024/11/26 - 2024/11/28
Time: 14:00 Time
Locality: sitem-insel and Langhans Auditorium
Consult program flyer below for exact locations
Registration: If you would like to attend any of the sessions of the Day of Clinical Research, please register by 22 November 2024.
Characteristics: open to the public