Terms & Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions, service timelines, and authorship guidelines are made transparent to ensure a shared understanding and facilitate smooth and collaborative cooperations.

These general Terms and Conditions for Service Agreements of CTU (hereinafter "TCs") govern together with the corresponding confirmation (hereinafter "Confirmation") the contractual relations between a partner (hereinafter “Partner”) and Department of Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, CTU Bern; Mittelstrasse 43, 3012 Bern (hereinafter "CTU") for the support of Partner by CTU in the performance of a project (hereinafter "Project"). By signing the Confirmation, Partner acknowledges and accepts the inclusion of the TCs. The agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is concluded with the signature of the Confirmation by CTU which has to be the last signature.

1. General

1.1 The Agreement consists of the Confirmation and the TCs and constitute the entire and only contractual relations between the parties relating to the Project and the tasks, and all prior negotiations, representations, agreements, and understandings are superseded hereby.

1.2 In case of any conflicts between the Confirmation and the TCs, the Confirmation shall prevail.

2. Obligations /Aims

2.1 CTU agrees to use its good faith efforts to conduct its tasks within the Project as set forth in the Confirmation ("Tasks") signed by both parties as an independent contractor, in accordance with CTU policy, applicable laws and regulations and the protocol, in its current version and as provided for by Partner, if applicable. If appropriate, Partner assumes all obligations as the sponsor of the Project according to the Swiss Human Research Act of 30. September 2011 and related ordinances and according to applicable laws and regulations.

2.2 Partner agrees to support CTU in order to conduct the Tasks within the Project by paying a contribution according to Article 3 as well as providing all necessary data and information as required to perform the Tasks.

2.3 For the sake of clarity, CTU shall only perform the Tasks as set out in the Confirmation and have no obligation to perform further work except additional specification of activities and their remuneration agreed upon written amendment to the Confirmation. Specifically, any additional expenses incurred by CTU in the course of inspections or audits are not covered by this Service Agreement and will be additionally reimbursed to CTU by Partner, unless such expenses are explicitly covered by the agreed cost estimate.

3. Contribution

As support for performing the Tasks within the Project, CTU shall be paid in accordance with the agreed costing. Costs will be invoiced quarterly in CHF and for actual working hours performed, which may deviate from the estimate of required hours made in the costing. Any transfer fees shall be paid by the invoice recipient. Without prejudice to the aforesaid, each party shall bear its own costs, arising in the conduct of the Project.

The payments shall be made to the following account of CTU:

Finanzverwaltung des Kts. Bern, 3011 Bern
Postkonto in Bern/CH: 30-406-7
Clearing: 09000
Swift: POFICHBE (Swiss Post, PostFinance, CH-3030 Bern)
IBAN elektronisch: CH9209000000300004067
IBAN Papierform: IBAN CH 92 0900 0000 3000 0406 7
Vermerk: 1535 Kredit: 34-890
MWSt.: CH-115.2501.351

The calculation of the budget depends on the hourly rates of CTU. The hourly rates are subject to annual adaptation.

Meal allowances are invoiced as lump sum in accordance with the terms of University of Bern.

lmportant information on your invoice:
The example invoice below shows the details that are disclosed on the standard invoices of CTU Bern. lf more details are required on the invoice, CTU needs to be informed in advance. No more detailed information can be provided retrospectively, e.g. when invoices were sent out.









CTU Monitoring







CTU Statistics






4. Term

4.1 The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of signature of the Confirmation by CTU and shall continue until all responsibilities are completed.

4.2 CTU and Partner may terminate the Agreement at any time in the event of untoward side effects or other medical risks occurring during the Project.

4.3 A party may terminate the Agreement immediately if the other party breaches or is in default of any obligation agreed upon in the Confirmation or of the included TCs of CTU and which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice of such breach or default.

4.4 Partner shall provide CTU with all information and documents required for CTU to perform its agreed Tasks within the Project. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • ethics committee and regulatory authority approval (unless services provided by CTU were completed prior to EC approval),
  • first participant enrolled,
  • recruitment stopped prematurely or temporarily interrupted,
  • last participant visit performed,
  • data cleaning completed,
  • any new protocol version implemented during the course of the Project,
  • changes in study staff requiring access to the clinical data management system.

4.5 CTU reserves the right to replace or shut down the clinical data management systems if deemed necessary. CTU will inform all involved parties 6 months ahead of the replace or shut down. All costs relating to a potential migration of the database to a different clinical data management system have to be borne by the Partner.

4.6 CTU reserves the right to update the clinical data management systems at any time, which may lead to a few downtimes a year. During the specified time the clinical data management system is not available (including randomization, surveys or any other functionality).

4.7 CTU is committed to provide services in due time to meet anticipated project timelines. To allow appropriate planning Partner is asked to inform CTU in good time about the anticipated date/time frame of the contracted services (also refer to Service Timelines as published on the CTU homepage: Services/Timelines, Costs).

4.8 CTU is available for support and requests during normal office hours (Monday to Friday from 9-17h, best via email). CTU does not offer services during nighttime, weekends or public holidays.

4.9 Partner acknowledges all terms listed in Appendix I related to data management and clinical data management systems (so-called Full Service or REDCap Light).

5. Liability

Partner shall indemnify and hold harmless CTU, its regents, officers, agents, employees from any and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims, and expenses in connection with any claim or lawsuit brought against CTU by a third party as a result of i) the performance of the Tasks as set out in the Confirmation by CTU or ii) from the use by Partner of the results of the Study Project iii) from a possible misuse of the local super user rights provided to Partner on the study database (e.g. in case data/database needs to be corrected/restored due to misconduct by Partner all costs have to be beard by Partner); provided, however, that Partner shall not hold CTU harmless from liability resulting from willful misconduct or gross negligence of CTU, its agents, or employees. Furthermore, Partner shall have a recourse claim against CTU for the cover of damages resulting from willful misconduct or gross negligence of CTU, its agents, or employees.

6. Warranties

6.1 CTU agrees to properly perform, to the best of its knowledge and taking into account the current state of the art, the Tasks assumed by it under this Agreement.

6.2 CTU makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including and without limitation, the accuracy of the results of the Tasks or any invention(s) or product(s), whether tangible or intangible, conceived, discovered, or developed under this Agreement; or the merchantability, or the fitness for a particular purpose of the results of the Tasks or for any such invention or product.

7. Intellectual property

7.1 Partner shall retain full ownership of the results arising from performing work governed by the Agreement, provided, however, that CTU shall be entitled to use the results for internal and non-commercial purposes.

7.2 All know-how, processes, procedures, methods, and developments including but not limited to scripts provided for the use of data preparation, validation, and analysis, which are solely developed and used by CTU to perform the Tasks and all intellectual property related thereto, whether created before, during, or after the Project, shall be owned solely by CTU, (hereinafter "Know-how"), and, if made available to Partner, Partner agrees to acknowledge the use of Know-how or consider co-authorship in any publication Know-how is used for (altered or unaltered).

7.3 Partner agrees and acknowledges that CTU may collaborate with and uses software/database solutions of Webspirit Systems GmbH, Böttgerstrasse 2/3, D-89231 Neu-Ulm in the performance of the tasks hereunder.

8. Publication and confidentiality

8.1 Partner shall have the right, consistent with internationally accepted academic standards, to present and publish results of the work governed by the Agreement. Authorship will be governed by the Uniform Requirements issued by the International Committee of Medical Editors (ICMJE).

8.2 Each party shall hold in confidence for three (3) years after the termination of the Agreement any confidential information identified as confidential and obtained from the other party during the course of this Project (hereinafter “Confidential Information”). Nothing herein, however, shall prevent the parties from using any information generated hereunder for ordinary research and educational purposes. Confidential Information may be disclosed to the extent required by information-, data protection- and archive legislation, and for purposes of trial participant care.

8.3 The parties agree that CTU's use and disclosure of study participant health and medical information is subject to compliance with applicable state and federal data privacy laws. The parties, therefore, agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of any study participant health and medical information that they have access to and to comply with applicable laws.

8.4 Partner acknowledges, that CTU aims at being independent of financially driven biases and therefore maintains a funding list on CTU's website, where the Project will be included, if relevant.

8.5 All works such as templates, work instructions, and user manuals that are created and authored by CTU are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Partner may reproduce, distribute and make publicly accessible the work. Partner must include the name of CTU Bern, the title of the work, its sources, and this license CC-BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

9. Governing law and Place of Jurisdiction

The Confirmation and these TCs of CTU shall be governed by the laws of Switzerland. Place of jurisdiction shall be Bern, Switzerland.

Appendix I: Terms related to data management and clinical data management system (CDMS)

A Terms for so-called Full Service projects (CTU sets up study database):

  • Partner shall approve final eCRFs/database to confirm that CTU has implemented the study database according to Partner’s specifications and to be in line with approved protocol version before database is released for data entry.
  • Partner is responsible for submitting any eCRF/database changes to the appropriate authorities.
  • In case a database set up by CTU needs to be modified after a software update in order to ensure correct operation, the caused costs will be charged to the customer.
    Partner is informed that CTU generally does not charge any license costs or server fees. If a study is conducted according to protocol or as agreed on in regular communication between the Partner and CTU, no fees will be applied. Nonetheless CTU reserves the right to check the project state and charge a fee in case database locking or archiving is postponed with no reason communicated by the Partner and server space cannot be freed in due time (this also includes the interruption of data collection). The fee of the amount of CHF 1500 will cover the database server costs for another 4 years.“

B Terms for so-called REDCap Light projects (Partner sets up own study database):

  • CTU creates a REDCap project and provides template eCRFs, standard roles, user manual, training slides. CTU is responsible for creating users. Partner is responsible for own study database, including: setup of eCRFs/database, testing thereof and deployment; training; user and role management; any changes to the eCRFs/database; closing, locking and archiving (i.e. Partner is responsible to request full audit trail export from CTU); appropriate documentation.
  • Partner is requested to inform CTU in case a REDCap super user changes or leaves.
  • Partner acknowledges that CTU does not recommend REDCap Light for the following scenarios: (i) blinded studies; (ii) studies exceeding the limit of 15'000 records; (iii) studies exceeding the limit of 5'000 fields.
  • CTU takes no responsibility for performance issues and reserves the right to close down a project if it would block the system or services.
  • CTU - apart from a requested and agreed review before the first deployment - does not review the database for any further deployments, if not specifically requested at the moment the 'change to production' request comes in.
  • Partner is responsible for ensuring that the project specific functionalities (e.g. branching logics, calculations) are still working correctly after a software update.
  • Partner is informed that CTU does not charge any license costs or server fees for the first 4 years after creation of the database. After the first 4 years the Partner has the possibility to either get in contact with CTU and prolong the database for another 4 years for the service costs of CHF 1000 (and if applicable an updated contract amendement) or CTU will take the liberty to set the project status to 'complete' after 3 months after being contacted. Partner is informed that CTU will delete the database 2 years after setting status to ‘complete’.
  • This service is only provided for members of the Inselspital Bern or University of Bern. If Partner changes the sponsor’s institution, Partner is requested to find a successor or to move the database. Alternatively, CTU may decide to convert the project to a so-called Full Service, its decision is entirely at CTU.
  • In case Partner uploads document in one of our CDMS: 1) Documents must be coded (if not approved differently by the ethics committee); 2) the maximum file size is 20 MB; 3) Partner is responsible to oversee used storage (if not agreed otherwise).


Find the previous Terms and Conditions for Service Agreements of CTU Bern here:

CTU Bern, including CTU Bern staff, aims at being independent of financially driven biases. CTU Bern acknowledges that clinical research is costly and some research would not be possible without financial support from organizations that have a vested interest (non-financial interests are not covered herein) in the results of the research they support. Therefore, CTU Bern aims at transparency and minimizing financial biases.

CTU Bern has a funding policy that is binding to all staff.

Funding of clinical studies

CTU Bern may be involved in studies that are funded by for-profit organizations with a commercial interest in healthcare. However, CTU Bern ensures transparent reporting of funding sources and endorses access to all study data by academic researchers and unbiased and unrestricted publication of study results. CTU Bern is and will not be involved in any clinical study (co-)funded by the tobacco industry.

List of funding sources (only major projects listed)

CTU Project No.NameFunding
1986SAHARAErwin Braun Foundation
1981PRONTOInsel Gruppe AG, University Hospital Bern
1951BEready Hauptstudie Vinetum Stiftung
1921STEPCARE trial The Swedish Research Council; The Academy of Finland; Medical Research Future Fund; Health Research Council of New Zealand
1879FROMM TEVA Pharma AG
1863PIFPAF-PFA Swiss Heart Foundation and research funds of the Department of Cardiology at the Inselspital Bern and the University Hospital Basel
1839TAILOR-DAPTBangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung; Swiss Heart Foundation (Schweizerische Herzstiftung) and Insel Gruppe AG, University Hospital Bern
1809OPERAM Long-Term cohortSNF
1805TakedaTTPTakeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
1798Burden of Sleep wake disordersEuropean Academy of Neurology (EAN)
1797DISCO COMPLEXResearch grant from the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève HUG
1793EMBARCCSL Behring AG
1779TOGETHERUniversitätsklinik für Kardiologie, Inselspital Bern
1778REDE-AFMedtronic, University Hospital, Inselspital
1765TITAN-DEBConcept Medical
1755TreoMelUniversity Hospital, Inselspital
1746SMASHCamAPS FX; Insel Gruppe AG, University Hospital Bern and University Children's Hospital Zurich
1733DMT-HAR-TOMReconnect Labs AG
1716SONOBIRDIE Trialn/a
1715Single Shot ChampionResearch Funds of the Department of Cardiology, Inselspital Bern and University Hospital Basel
1714BELEAVEDepartment of Cardiology, Inselspital Bern
1708Cannabispilotversuch BielAd5 GmbH
1694BEready (Survey)Vinetum Stiftung
1693Umbrella Registry: Zirconia Dental ImplantsZ-Systems AG
1685DeIntensiFpilotSwiss Cancer Research
1679LUCID – Low Value CareSPHN
1672COVID-19 Lung Cohort StudyLungenliga Bern
1668A34RCTSchweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften; Swiss Orthopaedics; Ortho Team Bern; SUVA
1666SCRIPT-2SNF; Tobacco Control Fund TCF
1655HypoFocal-SRTDebiopharm AG
1652Thalamic Burst-DBS for neuropathic pain
1651SURPRISESNF; Federal Office of Public Health, Health Department of the Kanton St. Gallen
1640PREHABIL TrialSNF; Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine on the University Hospital, Inselspital Bern
1638GAIN-INST-TrialSpitalzentrum Biel
1556MINOCABangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung, Basel, Switzerland
1585RetroperitonealSarcomaUniversitätsklinik für Medizinische Onkologie Bern
1575SOS PeritonitisMedical Systems Solution GmbH
1571Paracetamol for cancer pain controlSNF
1567Co-STARUniversitätsklinik für Kardiologie, Inselspital Bern
1564HeMoValCSL Behring AG
1561BazedoxifeneHFR Grant
1547NEONInnoMedica Switzerland AG
1541SilexanNMASchwabe Pharma AG
1532Goal-directed mobilizationSGAIM Foundation, Bern, Switzerland
1513RadiotracerPCBerger-Janser Stiftung zur Krebserforschung; Bernische Krebsliga
1488RETJohanna Bol Foundation; Baxter Company
1474SEPAISInsel Gruppe AG, Universitätsklinik für Neurologie
1473PASTA TrialSNF
1442POLICOVPolice Department Canton Bern; Ifik Bern; Interregionale Blutspende SRK Bern
1423COMPARE CRYODepartment of Cardiology Inselspital Bern and University Hospital Basel
1421Solidarity Vaccine TrialWorld Health Organization
1419COVID-19 in acute cardioInsel Gruppe AG, Universitätsklinik für Kardiologie
1417PRAETOR-MLUniversitätsklinik für Thoraxchirurgie
1416SWEETSTONEBoehringer Ingelheim, Basel, Switzerland
1403ROSEHans Goldmann Stiftung
1402Swiss Health StudyFOPH, Unisanté and in kind contribution of the Swiss Biobanking Platform (SBP)
1400MPN-Gas6SNF (Swiss National Foundation)
1395Ebola Safety ReportingWorld Health Organization (WHO)
1394Thrombophilie HZLA RegisterUniversity Hospital Bern, Inselspital
1366SOLIDARITY TRIALWorld Health Organization (WHO)
1338PHARAODepartmental Anaesthesia Research Fund
1335Fibrotic NAFLD in diabetesGilead
1310SARSCoV-2 and liver transplantn/a
1309CORON-ACTUniversity Hospital Bern, Inselspital; Roche Pharma (Schweiz) AG
1297NIBEDInnosuisse Grant
1287Laser treatment in vulvar Lichen sclerosusUniversity Hospital Bern, Inselspital
1275HNO supportSynDermix AG
1253VTE RAM ImmobilizationGottfried & Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung; Novartis Foundation for medical-biological Research
1243Tissue graft versus collagen matrix in the treatment of gingival recessionsZahnmedizinische Kliniken, Universität Bern
1222Nicotine PKPDUniversitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Inselspital Bern
1218ACT for InsomniaVelux Stiftung
1216RCT smoking cessation nicotine salt high low concentrationSNF
1206S NapoliBAG
1198TERISCHU de Nice
1195ESGScherbarth Stiftung
1123VitCTrialCampus SLB Sonnenhof AG
1106SM-FESInnosuisse Intento SA
1096VANCOGottfried & Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung
1095Ebola MeuriWorld Health Organization (WHO)
1073PedIndexStiftung Batzebär
1061EpiOsWyss Center
1059HemMa SCDCSL Behring AG
1058SRT Phase IUniversitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde, Inselspital Bern
917B&B VTablationDepartment of Cardiology at University Hospital Bern
909PSP Diagnosis of SepsisAbionic
906PAPA ARTiSGerman Research Foundation, European Union's Horizon 2020
895VoiceSExternal grants of Universitätsklinik für Radio-Onkologie, Inselspital Bern
883Bone Anchored PortDiavantis AG
881GCA Registry
877PPVRPDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, Inselspital University Hospital
866OPTICO LMAbbott; Heartflow
851Gynocular StudiesSwiss Cancer Research; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health; ESTHER Switzerland foundation
829CONNECTBoston Scientific
777CARDSUPUniversity Hospital of Berne
762EUNNUniversitätsklinik für Neurologie, Inselspital Bern; European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN)
746ESTxENDSSNF; Lungen Liga Bern; Swiss Cancer League; Tobacco Prevention Fund TPF
706Target READSNF
701SWIFTdirectMedtronic Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
690Preference Sensitive CareSNF
679ELANSNF; Swiss Heart Foundation
677Simpl'HIV trialSNF
670DAWN2 CHNovo Nordisk AG
645EVOPACSAmgen Switzerland AG
639TAVI LAAC AFIBBoston Scientifics
634MASTER DAPTTerumo Medical Corporation
632SYMPTOM NAVI PilotStiftung Lindenhof Bern
613SCRIPTUniversity of Bern
628SCOPE ISymetis SA
606REVEAL in TAVISNF; Medtronic (Schweiz) AG
536SAALMiltenyi Biotec GmbH
533OPTICO BVSSt. Jude Medical
524Effect of anaesthetic techniques on clinical outcome after LSP, RA vs GA, a prospective RCTSintetica SA; Hirslanden Foundation Zürich
465Ebola vaccine trialWHO
458BIOSTEMIBiotronik AG
453TOLERANTBayer (Schweiz) AG
449DECO-SSIThe Lindenhof Fund for Teaching and Research, Bern
441MDS RegistryNovartis Pharma Schweiz; AGCelgene GmbH
437Hämophilie-RegisterSwiss Hemophilia Network (SHN), Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich -Eleonorenstiftung
430PACMANSanofi; Regeneron
428BEBEMPIRIS; Mundipharma Medical Company
337MATRIXMedicines Company Terumo
333SWITCHSNF; Schweizerische Herzstiftung Inselspital
182BAG_HFV-PilotBundesamt für Gesundheit BAG
154SAG TCCSSwisscancer; Anna Lisa Stiftung; Ostschweizer Stiftung für Klinische Krebsforschung OSKK
104GCA Tocilizumab RheumatologyRoche Pharma (Switzerland) Ltd
94Bioscience OrsiroBIOTRONIK
87PC TrialAbbott; Cordis; Medtronic
79Global LEADERSBiosensors (Morges, Switzerland); AstraZeneca
78SPIRIT (10.10.CLI)Nestlé Healthscience
77ETRELKAARCO Foundation
74Swiss TAVI RegistryEdwards, Medtronic, Abbott, Boston
52HWISwiss National Foundation; Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences; SwissLife foundation; Else Kroener-Fresenius foundation
31TTP RegisterSNF; Mach-Gaensslen Foundation Baxter Innovations GmbH
22Titan-Endeavor RCTInsel Foundation
19LEADERSBiosensors Europe SA
1CARDIOBASE PCI RegistryInsel Gruppe AG, University Hospital Bern

We are committed to provide our services in due time to help you meet your anticipated project timelines. However, due to our engagement in many projects, availability of DCR staff varies. To allow appropriate planning and, ideally, shorten timelines please inform us in good time about the anticipated date/ time frame of the contracted services.

Please consider the following timelines for our services:





Costing 1-2 weeks
Contract (upon agreement of costing)
1 week


Monitoring Plan
2-3 weeks
First on-site visit
2-3 months
Remeber to keep the monitor updated about the study status (submission / approval / recruitment)
Subsequent site visits
upon agreement with the monitor

Regulatoy Affairs

Document Review
3-4 weeks

Data Managment Light Services

Sponsor informs Data Management 2 weeks in advance about upcoming review
1-2 weeks

Data Management Full Service

Implementation / Setup of study database
(requires an active and close collaboration)
2-6+ months
(After signature of contract and sufficient project specification for data management to start; e.g. final codebook, final protocol. Many requirements during implementation or testing will have an impact on budget and timeline.
Testing 2-4 weeks
(Formal approval of database must be finalized / signed by sponsor before the final testing of study database can start)
Amendments / Changes of study database
After proper risk assessment by data management, calculate 2 weeks - 2 months, upon agreement with the data manager

Statistics and Methodology

Sample Size Calculation
1 week
(2-4+ weeks for simulation)
Study protocol review and writing of statistics section
1-2 weeks
Statistical Analysis Plan
2-6 weeks
(Must be finalized / signed before last participant for an interim analysis is enrolled  and / or before half of participants are enrolled)
Final Analysis
2-4+ months
(from end of study ("last patient - last visit")